To celebrate that Donostia-San Sebastián is the 2016 European City of Culture we have prepared an exhibition, “Teleskopioa”, which reproduces, in rug format, images from the Hubble telescope of NASA. These are spectacular, often abstract, images, showing our planet, stars and supernovae.
The idea behind the “Teleskopioa” collection is that we would like people to reflect on the beauty of our temporary “home” – the planet earth and the space around us – and to raise awareness of the need to protect our environment. We would also like to contribute our grain of sand to a world of peace and solidarity: all our carpets are woven in Nepal in a workshop that is part of “Good Weave Nepal”, an organization that promotes human rights and child-free labour in the working environment. We feel that after the devastating earthquakes in Nepal in 2015 it is more important than ever to find ways to support the poorest societies through fair trade. We want to reflect on the local and the global, thus creating a more solidarity in Donostia-San Sebastián.
Nomada is committed to donate 5% of the retail price of the carpets sold in our “Teleskopio” collection to two NGOs with projects in Nepal and Tibet.