On the road
At Nómada we travel to remote corners of Asia, often with our two daughters, and our regular destinations include Iran, Turkey, India and Nepal.
Alistair Baird trained as an architect in Scotland and is responsible for the design of most modern carpets. He loves vernacular architecture and also combining antique or modern carpets with mid-century Scandinavian design.
Nerea Aguirre studied library science at the University of Granada. Her great passion is to meet people from other cultures and to do so she tries to put together the few words she knows in each country, so she always provokes more than one smile (or laugh!).
Our travelling spirit has allowed us to sleep in tents of nomadic tribes, to share tea and food with wonderful people, to get to know different cultures, ethnicities and people and, above all, to bring exceptional kilims and carpets to our tent in San Sebastian!
Happy that our hobby is our work since 1997, and without realizing it, we have probably gathered the largest collection of vintage kilims in Spain.

